For the truth is that men do not desire to be the Common Man any more than they are the Common Man. They need greatness in others and the occasion to discover the greatness in themselves.
C. V. WedgwoodGeneral knowledge may have to be slight or even amateurish knowledge, but it is none the less useful, and we discourage it at our peril.
C. V. WedgwoodWithout passion there might be no errors, but without passion there would certainly be no history.
C. V. WedgwoodHistory, in spite of the occasional protest of historians, will always be used in a general way as a collection of political and moral precedents.
C. V. WedgwoodAll normal human beings are interested in their past. Only when the interest becomes an obsession, overshadowing present and future conduct, is it a danger. In much the same way healthy nations are interested in their history, but a morbid preoccupation with past glories is a sign that something is wrong with the constitution of the State.
C. V. Wedgwood