How did you explain a thing it had not occurred to you to question? A thing you just knew, clear through to your soul?
Cameron DokeyI had to cease to mourn what could never be and make the most of what was possible. And I would begin doing that by trying to mend the hurts of the past.
Cameron DokeyFor surely a king is first a man. And so it must follow that a king does as all men do: the best he can.
Cameron DokeyLove cannot thrive simply by being offered. Sooner or later it must be accepted and reciprocated. It must be seen for what it is and nourished according to its needs, or it will die.
Cameron DokeyIn the weeks since I had made the decision to leave my father's house, I had grown up. And I had learned that not every battle can be fought by firing an arrow from a bow. But I would have to face whatever new challenges came my way as bravely as I had faced the Huns. I could not wallow in self-pity, thinking about what might have been. I had to do my duty. It was the only way to stay true to myself.
Cameron Dokey