If the existence of human beings leads to nothing, what is all this comedy about?
Camille FlammarionLightning is like an elementary spirit, eccentric or rational, clever or silly, passing from one extreme to the other.
Camille FlammarionMay we attribute to the color of the herbage and plants, which no doubt clothe the plains of Mars, the characteristic hue of that planet, which is noticeable by the naked eye, and which led the ancients to personify it as a warrior?
Camille FlammarionLightning seems a thought, which instead of being attached to a brain, is attached to an electric current.
Camille FlammarionIt is in the name of Jesus, himself become God, that fanaticism ignominiously condemned to the stake men like Giodano Bruno, Vanini, รtienne Dolet, John Huss, Savanarola, and numerous other heroic victims; that the Inquisition ordered Galileo to belie his conscience; that thousands and thousands of unfortunates accused of witchcraft were burnt alive in popular ceremonies; it was with the express benediction of Pope Gregory XIII that the butchery of St. Bartholomew drenched Paris in blood.
Camille Flammarion