Are we like late Rome, infatuated with past glories, ruled by a complacent, greedy elite, and hopelessly powerless to respond to changing conditions?
Camille PagliaHollywood, America's greatest modern contribution to world culture, is a business, a religion, an art form, and a state of mind.
Camille PagliaIf Obama fails to win reelection, let the blame be first laid at the door of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who at a pivotal point threw gasoline on the flames by comparing angry American citizens to Nazis.
Camille PagliaEvery man must define his identity against his mother. If he does not, he just falls back into her and is swallowed up.
Camille PagliaThere are no accidents, only nature throwing her weight around. Even the bomb merely releases energy that nature has put there. Nuclear war would be just a spark in the grandeur of space. Nor can radiation alter nature: she will absorb it all. After the bomb, nature will pick up the cards we have spilled, shuffle them, and begin her game again.
Camille Paglia