I say the law should be blind to race, gender and sexual orientation, just as it claims to be blind to wealth and power. There should be no specially protected groups of any kind, except for children, the severely disabled and the elderly, whose physical frailty demands society's care.
Camille PagliaBecause most of my career in the classroom has been at art schools (beginning at Bennington in the 1970s), I am hyper-aware of the often grotesque disconnect between commentary on the arts and the actual practice or production of the arts.
Camille PagliaI am a registered Democrat who is determined to return my party to the proletarian principles of the Franklin D. Roosevelt era.
Camille PagliaWhat is pretty in nature is confined to the thin skin of the globe upon which we huddle. Scratch that skin, and nature's daemonic ugliness will erupt.
Camille PagliaLiberalism defines government as tyrant father but demands it behave as nurturant mother.
Camille Paglia