You mustn't think of the Universe as a wilderness. It hasn't been that for billions of years," he said. "Think of it more as... ..cultivated.
Carl SaganThe fact that so little of the findings of modern science is prefigured in Scripture to my mind casts further doubt on it divine inspiration.
Carl SaganThe sky calls to us. If we do not destroy ourselves, we will one day venture to the stars.
Carl SaganFor myself, I like a universe that, includes much that is unknown and, at the same time, much that is knowable. A universe in which everything is known would be static and dull, as boring as the heaven of some weak-minded theologians. A universe that is unknowable is no fit place for a thinking being. The ideal universe for us is one very much like the universe we inhabit. And I would guess that this is not really much of a coincidence.
Carl Sagan