Both the Freudian and the Platonic metaphors emphasize the considerable independence of and tension among the constituent parts of the psyche, a point that characterizes the human condition.
Carl SaganOur ancestors lived out of doors. They were as familiar with the night sky as most of us are with our favorite television programs.
Carl SaganScience is a way to call the bluff of those who only pretend to knowledge. It is a bulwark against mysticism, against superstition, against religion misapplied to where it has no business being.
Carl SaganIn our time, we have sifted the sands of Mars, we have established a presence there, we have fulfilled a century of dreams!
Carl SaganScience arouses a soaring sense of wonder. But so does pseudoscience. Sparse and poor popularizations of science abandon ecological niches that pseudoscience promptly fills. If it were widely understood that claims to knowledge require adequate evidence before they can be accepted, there would be no room for pseudoscience.
Carl Sagan