That afternoon the sky was scattered with black clouds galloping in from the sea and clustering over the city. Flashes of lightening echoed on the horizon and a charged warm wind smelling of dust announced a powerful summer storm. When I reached the station I noticed the first few drops, shiny and heavy, like coins falling from heaven...Night seemed to fall suddenly, interrupted only by the lightning now bursting over the city, leaving a trail of noise and fury.
Carlos Ruiz ZafonIt's up to you how you waste your time and money. I'm staying here to read: life's too short.
Carlos Ruiz ZafonWars have no memory, and nobody has the courage to understand them until there are no voices left to tell what happened.
Carlos Ruiz ZafonArmy, Marriage, the Church, and Baking: the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse. Fermin Romero de Torres - The Shadow of the Wind.
Carlos Ruiz Zafon