Unless it's a soul-nourishing and breath-taking love, the kind that makes you wonder how you got along without them before you met them and makes you be a better, happier person, it is a waste of time. If the person cannot make you smile simply by thinking of them, they're not the one.
Carlos SalinasThey showed each other that it was alright for their hearts to come out and play; that it was alright to feel close to someone; that love didn't always end in heartbreak.
Carlos Salinas'They fell in love.' Such a rare and special event cannot be done justice by one statement; it involves so much more than that single sentence could explain: it means two people that were brave enough to show their scars, vulnerability, rough edges, happiest thoughts, along with their worst fears, and find a mutual respect, appreciation, and fondness for one another; they achieved a gift that not many people get to experience in their lifetime in its truest form.
Carlos SalinasLove is the only thing that you can give and give and give and never run out of; it is also the only thing that, the more you give, the more you have.
Carlos SalinasTo the people that claim to hate Love: Remember that the thing that hurt you was a person, not love. If it had been love, they would not have hurt you. Beware that many things masquerade as love: obsession, jealousy, control, and loneliness are just a few. Love is the greatest thing on Earth, along with her sister, Hope.
Carlos Salinas