If you had the ceiling falling down in your living room, would you not go and have a repair?
Carmen Dell'OreficeLondon College of Fashion, University of the Arts London, offers the range of subjects that help young designers to arrange the underpinnings that are necessary to get from zero to 10. The hardest part is the beginning, understanding your passion and making the decision that whatever it takes, that's what you're going to do. London College of Fashion shows them what they must do and helps them to find their goal.
Carmen Dell'OreficeWhen asked her view of cosmetic surgery, Carmen Dell'Orefice replies, 'โThat's a very polite way of asking me, I'm sure, โHave you had a facelift?' Well, if you had the ceiling falling down in your living room, would you not go and have a repair?
Carmen Dell'OreficeMy philosophy is the balance of remembering the past but not living in it, to know where you are in the moment, to project a little in the future and be ready to change. It's how you experience the grace to enjoy the smell of the pavement after a rain - the little things in life to make you satisfied. I never settle for anything that doesn't give me a modicum of pleasure if not total joy and satisfaction. It's allowed, that's what we're supposed to feel. How can we, from an empty cup, offer a stranger a drink of water? You have to fill that cup to the brim!
Carmen Dell'Orefice