One must always be careful of books,' said Tessa, 'and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us.' 'I'm not sure a book has ever changed me,' said Will. 'Well there is one volume that promises to teach one how to turn oneself into an entire flock of sheep-' 'Only the very weak minded refuse to be influenced by literature and poetry,' said Tessa, determined not to let him run wildly off with the conversation.
Cassandra ClareWhen we return, I will put you forward for Ascension,โ Charlotte finished. โI will speak out for her case as well,โ Gideon said. โAfter all, I have my fatherโs place on the Councilโhis friends will listen to me; they still owe loyalty to our familyโand besides, how else can we be married?โ โWhat?โ said Gabriel with a wild hand gesture that accidentally flipped the nearest plate onto the floor, where it shattered. โMarried?โ said Henry. โYouโre marrying your fatherโs friends on the Council? Which of them?
Cassandra ClareThere is no pretending," Jace said with absolute clarity. "I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there is life after that, I'll love you then.
Cassandra ClareAnd next time you're planning to injure yourself to get me attention, just remember that a little sweet talk works wonders.
Cassandra Clare