Will: "Nice place to live, isn't it? Let's hope they left something behind other than filth. Forwarding addresses, a few severed limbs, a prostitute or two ..." Jem: "Indeed. Perhaps, if we're fortunate, we can still catch syphilis." "Or demon pox," Will suggested cheerfully, trying the door under the stairs.
Cassandra ClareMagnus began to be truly alarmed. Will's voice would have shaken, betraying that his cruelty had been part of his playacting, but his son's laugh was that of someone genuinely delighted by the chaos erupting all around him
Cassandra ClareI think I gave Alec a complex about what kind of fighter he was, just because he wanted to live.
Cassandra ClareSometimes minor characters are based on people I know, on friends of mine. But I'm not writing a thinly veiled version of my own life.
Cassandra Clare