He's a cousin of some friends of the Lightwoods or something. He's nice. I promise." "Nice, bah. He's gorgeous." Magnus gazed dreamily in his direction. "You should leave him here. I could hang hats on him and things." "No. You can't have him." "Why not? Do you like him?" Magnus's eyes gleamed. "He seems to like you. I saw him going for your hand out there like a squirrel diving for a peanut.
Cassandra ClareI want my people to be protected, strong, and not to be driven into corners until they either become killers or are killed!
Cassandra ClareJem put the full force of himself into each smile, so that he seemed to be smiling with his eyes, his heart, his whole being.
Cassandra ClareHello?" Isabelle called from the other side. "Simon, is your diva moment over? I need to talk to Jace.
Cassandra ClareWhat are you? The voice came from nowhere. It was in the room. It was outside. It was in Magnus's head. "A warlock," Magnus answered. "And what are you?" We are many. "Please do not say you are a legion. Someone's taken that." Do you make mirth from mundane scriptures, warlock? "Just breaking the ice
Cassandra Clare