Alec drew his hand back with a low whistle. "The Inquisitor meant business." "Of course she did. I'm a dangerous criminal. Or hadn't you heard?" Jace heard the acid in his own tone, saw Alec flinch, and was meanly, momentarily, glad. "She didn't call you a criminal, exactly..." "No, I'm just a very naughty boy. I do all sorts of bad things. I kick kittens. I make rude gestures at nun
Cassandra ClareChange is not always accomplished peacefully, but that does not make it disadventageous.
Cassandra ClareI don't think she doesn't believe she can die. I think, just like you always did, she believes there are things worth dying for.
Cassandra ClareHe has become a worm. That is what I am telling you." "I don't suppose it would be possible," said Henry into the silence, "to, er, step on him?
Cassandra Clare