A sort of good-bye without saying good-bye," he said. "It is a reference to a passage in the Bible. 'And Mizpah, for he said, the Lord watch between me and thee when we are absent one from another.
Cassandra ClareWe cant go around picking up every pile of dust in the place just in case it turns out to be Gregor in the morning." -Pg.242-
Cassandra ClareWill smirked, clearly pleased at the effect he was having. "I've no idea. I lost consciousness about then. I was having a lovely dream about a young woman who had mislaid all her clothes.
Cassandra ClareIt can be... difficult to to learn how the world truly is, to see it in its true shape and form... most human beings never do. Most could not bear it.
Cassandra ClareIt is the mundanes who look at me and see something they do not understandโa boy who is not quite white and not quite foreign either." "Just as I am not human, and not demon either," Tessa said softly. His eyes softened. "You are human," he said. "Never think you are not. I have seen you with your brother; I know how you care for him. If you can feel hope, guilt, sorrow, loveโthen you are human.
Cassandra Clare