They’re not hideous,” said Tessa. Will blinked at her. “What?” “Gideon and Gabriel,” said Tessa. “They’re really quite good-looking, not hideous at all.” “I spoke,” said Will, in sepulchral tones, “of the pitch-black inner depths of their souls.” Tessa snorted. “And what color do you suppose the inner depths of your soul are, Will Herondale?” “Mauve,” said Will.
Cassandra ClareI didn't know," he said. "I didn't know you needed me." Her voice shook. "I always need you
Cassandra ClareWere you thinking about eating me?” Will inquired. “No!” “No one would blame you,” said Jem. “He’s very annoying.
Cassandra ClareHe flushed, the colour dark against his pale skin. 'I mean. Tessa Gray, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?' Jem.
Cassandra Clare[Will Herondale] would say he knew a warlock who was a better friend, and more worth trusting, than many a nephilim warrior.
Cassandra ClareNiches set back in the walls contained polished marble statues of entwined bodies. Will looked away from them hastily, and then back. It wasn't as if Magnus seemed to be paying attention to what Will was doing, and he'd honestly never imagined two people could get themselves into a position like that, much less make it look artistic.
Cassandra Clare