Through persistence, you can be one of those happy, victorious people who not only chases dreams, but who catches them! The persistent man also perseveres long enough for his dreams to catch up with him!
Catherine PonderGiving is only one-half of the law of increase. Receiving is the other half. We can give and give but we may unbalance the law unless we also expect to receive.
Catherine PonderWhat you radiate outward in your thoughts, feelings, mental pictures and words, you attract into your life.
Catherine PonderIt is easy to speak words of love, or to meditate lovingly upon those people with whom you are in harmony. But it is those people who seem most difficult, who may even seem hostile, that need your radiation of love most. Their very hostility is but their soul's cry for loving recognition. When you generate sufficient love to them, the discord will fade away.
Catherine Ponder