I'm not going to ask for anything unless the workers want it. If they want it, they'll ask for it.
Cesar ChavezYears of misguided teaching have resulted in the destruction of the best in our society, in our cultures and in the environment.
Cesar ChavezNon-violence has suffered its biggest defeat in the hands of people who most want to talk about it.
Cesar ChavezWe shall strike. We shall organize boycotts. We shall demonstrate and have political campaigns. We shall pursue the revolution we have proposed. We are sons and daughters of the farm workers' revolution, a revolution of the poor seeking bread and justice.
Cesar Chavez[We believe that unions have always been about much more than the industries in which they operate.] The fight is never about grapes or lettuce, ... It is always about people.
Cesar ChavezPerhaps we can bring the day when children will learn from their earliest days that being fully man and fully woman means to give one's life to the liberation of the brother [and sister] who suffers. It is up to each one of us. It won't happen unless we decide to use our lives to show the way.
Cesar Chavez