Whatever people may say, the fastidious formal manner of the upper classes is preferable to the slovenly easygoing behaviour of the common middle class. In moments of crisis, the former know how to act, the latter become uncouth brutes.
Cesare PaveseThe man who cannot live with charity, sharing other men's pain, is punished by feeling his own with intolerable anguish.
Cesare PaveseIdleness makes hours pass slowly and years swiftly. Activity makes the hours short and the years long.
Cesare PaveseTo choose a hardship for ourselves is our only defense against that hardship. This is what is meant by accepting suffering. Those who, by their very nature, can suffer completely, utterly, have an advantage. That is how we can disarm the power of suffering, make it our own creation, our own choice; submit to it. A justification for suicide.
Cesare Pavese