For me, the process always has to be pretty intense. I could never write just two or three days a week. It had to be every day.
Chad HarbachI tended to write the book in these bursts of two or three months at a time. So I would know, or at least feel securely, that for the next few months I was at least going to have a few hours a day.
Chad HarbachThe challenge for any fiction writer is that your job involves simply sitting at a desk for a very, very long time.
Chad HarbachWriting on a computer feels like a recipe for writer's block. I can type so fast that I run out of thoughts, and then I sit there and look at the words on the screen, and move them around, and never get anywhere. Whereas in a notebook I just keep plodding along, slowly, accumulating sentences, sometimes even surprising myself.
Chad Harbach