The native American has been generally despised by his white conquerors for his poverty and simplicity. They forget, perhaps, that his religion forbade the accumulation of wealth and the enjoyment of luxury... Furthermore, it was the rule of his life to share the fruits of his skill and success with his less fortunate brothers. Thus he kept his spirit free from the clog of pride, cupidity, or envy, and carried out, as he believed, the divine decree-a matter profoundly important to him.
Charles Alexander EastmanHe sees no need for setting apart one day in seven as a holy day, since to him all days are God's.
Charles Alexander EastmanAs a child I understood how to give; I have forgotten this grace since I became civilized.
Charles Alexander EastmanThe native American has been generally despised by his white conquerors for his poverty and simplicity.
Charles Alexander EastmanThe Wise Man believes profoundly in silence - the sign of a perfect equilibrium. Silence is the absolute poise or balance of body, mind and spirit. The man who preserves his selfhood ever calm and unshaken by the storms of existence - not a leaf, as it were, astire on the tree, not a ripple upon the surface of the shinning pool-his, in the mind of the unlettered sage, is the ideal attitude and conduct of life. Silence is the cornerstone of character.
Charles Alexander Eastman