Neutrality is no favorite with Providence, for we are so formed that it is scarcely possible for us to stand neuter in our hearts, although we may deem it prudent to appear so in our actions
Charles Caleb ColtonSecrecy is the soul of all great designs. Perhaps more has been effected by concealing our own intentions than by discovering those of our enemy.
Charles Caleb ColtonThe seeds of repentance are sown in youth by pleasure, but the harvest is reaped in age by pain.
Charles Caleb ColtonLet those who would affect singularity with success first determine to be very virtuous, and they will be sure to be very singular.
Charles Caleb ColtonThere is this of good in real evils; they deliver us, while they last, from the petty despotism of all that were imaginary.
Charles Caleb ColtonPosthumous fame is a plant of tardy growth, for our body must be the seed of it; or we may liken it to a torch, which nothing but the last spark of life can light up; or we may compare it to the trumpet of the archangel, for it is blown over the dead; but unlike that awful blast, it is of earth, not of heaven, and can neither rouse nor raise us.
Charles Caleb Colton