In order to try whether a vessel be leaky, we first prove it with water before we trust it with wine.
Charles Caleb ColtonPhysical courage, which despises all danger, will make a man brave in one way; and moral courage, which despises all opinion, will make a man brave in another.
Charles Caleb ColtonOf all the faculties of the mind, memory is the first that flourishes, and the first that dies.
Charles Caleb ColtonRevenge is a debt, in the paying of which the greatest knave is honest and sincere, and, so far as he is able, punctual.
Charles Caleb ColtonTimes of great calamity and confusion have been productive for the greatest minds. The purest ore is produced from the hottest furnace. The brightest thunder-bolt is elicited from the darkest storm.
Charles Caleb ColtonAs the grand discordant harmony of the celestial bodies may be explained by the simple principles of gravity and impulse, so also in that more wonderful and complicated microcosm, the heart of man, all the phenomena of morals are perhaps resolvable into one single principle, the pursuit of apparent good; for although customs universally vary, yet man in all climates and countries is essentially the same.
Charles Caleb Colton