Death is like thunder in two particulars; we are alarmed, at the sound of it; and it is formidable only from that which preceded it.
Charles Caleb ColtonThere are only two things in which the false professors of all religions have agreed--to persecute all other sects and to plunder their own.
Charles Caleb ColtonWhen I meet with any persons who write obscurely or converse confusedly, I am apt to suspect two things; first, that such persons do not understand themselves; and secondly, that they are not worthy of being understood by others.
Charles Caleb ColtonFashion is the veriest goddess of semblance and of shade; to be happy is of far less consequence to her worshippers than to appear so; even pleasure itself they sacrifice to parade, and enjoyment to ostentation.
Charles Caleb ColtonLike the rainbow, peace rests upon the earth, but its arch is lost in heaven. Heaven bathes it in hues of light--it springs up amid tears and clouds--it is a reflection of the eternal sun--it is an assurance of calm--it is the sign of a great covenant between God and man--it is an emanation from the distant orb of immortal light.
Charles Caleb Colton