I do not believe one can experience conversion or the fullness of the Christian life apart from the church.
Charles ColsonOver the years since I became a Christian, I have always deliberately explained that I have 'accepted Jesus Christ.' These words are invariably translated into 'Colson's professed religious experience.' I discovered that one major U.S. daily, as a matter of policy, will not print the two words Jesus Christ together; when combined, the editor says, it represents an editorial judgment.
Charles ColsonWe must be the same person in private and in public. Only the Christian worldview gives us the basis for this kind of integrity.
Charles ColsonGod doesn't want our success; He wants us. He doesn't demand our achievements; He demands our obedience.
Charles ColsonWhy, I wondered, is there such hostility to one faith in this Hindu culture that believes all roads lead to heaven? They should be the most tolerant of all. What is it about the Judeo-Christian message that makes it so offensive? Ironically, the Indians may understand the heart of the gospel - that Christ is King, with all that portends - better than many in the 'Christian' West.
Charles Colson