And what an example of the power of dress young Oliver Twist was! Wrapped in the blanket which had hitherto formed his only covering, he might have been the child of a nobleman or a beggar;โit would have been hard for the haughtiest stranger to have fixed his station in society. But now he was enveloped in the old calico robes, that had grown yellow in the same service; he was badged and ticketed, and fell into his place at onceโa parish childโthe orphan of a workhouseโthe humble, half-starved drudgeโto be cuffed and buffeted through the world, despised by all, and pitied by none.
Charles DickensThe man who now confronted Gashford, was a squat, thickset personage, with a low, retreating forehead, a coarse shock head of hair, and eyes so small and near together, that his broken nose alone seemed to prevent their meeting and fusing into one of the usual size.
Charles DickensWhen we have done our very, very best, papa, and that is not enough, then I think the right time must have come for asking help of others.
Charles Dickens