What I wanted to do was slap him down a bit with wit and words. Grammar and vocabulary as a weapon. But what kind of world would it be if we all took every opportunity presented to us to assault the weak?
Charles FrazierOne thing he discovered with a great deal of astonishment was that music held for him more then just pleasure. There was meat to it. The grouping of sounds, their forms in the air as they rang out and faded, said something comforting to him about the rule of Creation. What the music said was that there is a right way for things to be ordered so that life might not always be just tangle and drift, but have a shape, an aim. It was a powerful argument that life did not just happen.
Charles FrazierSurely it is a sin to reject the few gifts we are given. Be happy in the flash of time granted to us or hurt forever.
Charles FrazierPeople who are isolated interest me, whether they isolate themselves or have been isolated by circumstances.
Charles Frazier