Competition is healthy ... but there is more to life than winning or we should nearly all be losers
Charles HandyCreativity needs a bit of untidiness. Make everything too neat and there is no room for experiment.
Charles HandyAn economy that adds value through information, ideas, and intelligence-the Three I Economy-offers a way out of the apparent clash between material growth and environmental resources.
Charles HandyVillages are small and personal, and their inhabitants have names, characters, and personalities. What more appropriate concept on which to base our institutions of the future than the ancient social unit whose flexibility and strength substained human society through millenia?
Charles HandyI like less the story that a frog if put in cold water will not bestir itself if that water is heated up slowly and gradually and will in the end let itself be killed, boiled alive, too comfortable with continuity to realize that continuous change at some point may become intolerable and demand a change in behaviour.
Charles Handy