You cannot set art off in a corner and hope for it to have vitality, reality, and substance.
Charles IvesBeauty in music is too often confused with something that lets the ears lie back in an easy chair. Many sounds that we are used to do not bother us, and for that reason we are inclined to call them beautiful. Frequently, when a new or unfamiliar work is accepted as beautiful on its first hearing, its fundamental quality is one that tends to put the mind to sleep.
Charles IvesThe future of music may not lie entirely in music itself, but rather in the way it encourages and extends, rather than limits the aspirations and ideals of the people, in the way it makes itself a part with the finer things that humanity does and dreams of.
Charles IvesIn 'thinking up' music I usually have some kind of a brass band with wings on it in back of my mind.
Charles Ives