Do what thou dost as if the earth were heaven, and thy last day the day of judgment.
Charles KingsleyA fine lady; by which term I wish to express the result of that perfect education in taste and manner, down to every gesture, which heaven forbid that I, professing to be a poet, should undervalue. It is beautiful, and therefore I welcome it in the name of the author of all beauty. I value it so highly that I would fain see it extend not merely from Belgravia to the tradesman's villa, but thence, as I believe it one day will, to the laborer's hovel and the needlewoman's garret.
Charles KingsleyIf you want to be miserable, think about yourself, about what you want, what you like, what respect people ought to pay you and what people think of you.
Charles KingsleyFriendship is like a glass ornament, once it is broken it can rarely be put back together exactly the same way.
Charles KingsleyYou are literally filled with the fruit of your own devices, with rats and mice and such small deer, paramecia, and entomostraceรฆ, and kicking things with horrid names, which you see in microscopes at the Polytechnic, and rush home and call for brandy-without the water-stone, and gravel, and dyspepsia, and fragments of your own muscular tissue tinged with your own bile.
Charles Kingsley