Do noble things, not dream them all day long: And so make Life, Death, and the vast Forever one grand, sweet song.
Charles KingsleyIf you wish to be like a little child, study what a little child could understand — nature; and do what a little child could do — love.
Charles KingsleyDid not learned men, too, hold, till within the last twenty-five years, that a flying dragon was an impossible monster? And do we not now know that there are hundreds of them found fossil up and down the world? People call them Pterodactyles: but that is only because they are ashamed to call them flying dragons, after denying so long that flying dragons could exist.
Charles KingsleyIf I am ever obscure in my expressions, do not fancy that therefore I am deep. If I were really deep, all the world would understand, though they might not appreciate. The perfectly popular style is the perfectly scientific one. To me an obscurity is a reason for suspecting a fallacy.
Charles Kingsley