Now this is a way to approach our healthcare problems: increase the number of tax collectors and decrease the number of doctors - brilliant!
Charles KrauthammerIn explaining any puzzling Washington phenomenon, always choose stupidity over conspiracy, incompetence over cunning. Anything else gives them too much credit.
Charles KrauthammerThe joy of losing consists in this: Where there are no expectations, there is no disappointment.
Charles KrauthammerChess: It's like alcohol. It's a drug. I have to control it, or it could overwhelm me. I have a regular Monday night game at my home, and I do play a little online.
Charles KrauthammerThe 2014 election has given the GOP the rare opportunity to retroactively redeem its brand. The conventional perception, incessantly repeated by Democrats and the media, is that Washington dysfunction is the work of the Party of No. Expose the real agent of do-nothing. Show that, when Harry Reid can no longer consign House-passed legislation to oblivion, Congress can actually work.
Charles Krauthammer