I am accounted by some people as a good man. How cheap that character is acquired! Pay your debts, don't borrow money, nor twist your kitten's neck off, nor disturb a congregation, etc., your business is done. I know things of myself, which would make every friend I have fly me as a plague patient.
Charles LambHow often you are irresistibly drawn to a plain, unassuming woman, whose soft silvery tones render her positively attractive! In the social circle, how pleasant it is to hear a woman talk in that low key which always characterizes the true lady. In the sanctuary of home, how such a voice soothes the fretful child and cheers the weary husband!
Charles LambRiddle of destiny, who can show What thy short visit meant, or know What thy errand here below?
Charles LambWhen thus the heart is in a vein Of tender thought, the simplest strain Can touch it with peculiar power.
Charles Lamb