Antiquity! thou wondrous charm, what art thou? that being nothing art everything? When thou wert, thou wert not antiquity - then thou wert nothing, but hadst a remoter antiquity, as thou calledst it, to look back to with blind veneration; thou thyself being to thyself flat, jejune, modern! What mystery lurks in this retroversion? or what half Januses are we, that cannot look forward with the same idolatry with which we for ever revert! The mighty future is as nothing, being everything! the past is everything, being nothing!
Charles LambNewspapers always excite curiosity. No one ever puts one down without the feeling of disappointment.
Charles LambPositively, the best thing a man can have to do, is nothing, and next to that perhaps — good works.
Charles LambBoys are capital fellows in their own way, among their mates; but they are unwholesome companions for grown people.
Charles Lamb