In the wilderness, God's covenant people struggled with a choice between feeding their bellies and nourishing their souls. God provided manna-a breadlike food that fell to the ground during the night-to sustain the wandering Israelites and to teach them how to value His Word more than physical fulfillment.
Charles R. SwindollWhen we arrive at dilemmas in life and we are unable to decipher the right direction to go, if we hope to maintain our confidence in the process, we must (repeat must) allow the Lord to be our Guide, our Strength, our Wisdom - our all!
Charles R. SwindollPart of the thrill of guiding children into adulthood is the release. But it's also a parent's greatest act of surrender. Still, you have to let them go. Start now.
Charles R. SwindollWhat is God looking for? He is looking for men and women whose hearts are completely His - completely.
Charles R. SwindollBattles are won in the trenches, in the grit and grime of courageous determination; they are won day by day in the arena of life.
Charles R. Swindoll