Ours is a bad, bad world, but does that mean nothing's good? Does it mean we have run out of things for which to be grateful? No, no, a thousand times, no!
Charles R. SwindollThis tendency to avoid problems and the emotional suffering inherent in them is the primary basis of all human mental illness
Charles R. SwindollIn spite of our high-tech world and efficient procedures, people remain the essential ingredient of life.
Charles R. SwindollTo be "in Christ" is to place one's trust in Him for salvation from sin. To be "in Christ" is to trust His goodness, not our own; to trust that His sacrificial death on the cross paid the complete debt of death we owe for our sin; to trust that His resurrection gives us eternal life instead of relying upon our own ability to please God. To be "in Christ" is to claim, by faith, the free gift of salvation. To be "in Christ" is to enjoy a completely restored relationship with our Father in heaven by virtue of His Son's righteous standing.
Charles R. Swindoll