I let people see the cracks in my life. We can't be phony. We've got to keep it real.
Charles R. SwindollIf you allow it, [suffering] can be the means by which God brings you His greatest blessings.
Charles R. SwindollThe best tests of my Christian growth occur in the mainstream of life, not in the quietness of my study
Charles R. SwindollDiscipline is training that corrects and perfects our mental faculties or molds our moral character. Discipline is control gained by enforced obedience. It is the deliberate cultivation of inner order.
Charles R. SwindollWhen you have a sense of calling, whether it's to be a musician, soloist, artist, in one of the technical fields, or a plumber, there is something deep and enriching when you realize it isn't just a casual choice, it's a divine calling. It's not limited to vocational Christian service by any means.
Charles R. Swindoll