Infinite, and an infant. Eternal, and yet born of a woman. Almighty, and yet hanging on a womanโs breast. Supporting a universe, and yet needing to be carried in a motherโs arms. King of angels, and yet the reputed son of Joseph. Heir of all things, and yet the carpenterโs despised son.
Charles SpurgeonThe angels must often be astonished at us and think we are the strangest creatures that well can be, yet they love us, and therefore they take a great interest in that Gospel that promotes our highest good.
Charles SpurgeonYou never hear Jesus say in Pilate's judgement hall one word that would let you imagine that He was sorry that He had undertaken so costly a sacrifice for us. When His hands are pierced, when He is parched with fever, His tongue dried up like a shard of pottery, when His whole body is dissolved into the dust of death, you never hear a groan or a shriek that looks like Jesus is going back on His commitment.
Charles SpurgeonInconsistent professing Christians injure the Gospel more than the sneering critic or the heretic.
Charles SpurgeonWhen we reach the hilltops of heaven, and look back upon all the way whereby the Lord our God hath led us, how shall we praise Him who, before the eternal throne, undid the mischief which Satan was doing upon earth. How shall we thank Him because He never held His peace, but day and night pointed to the wounds upon His hands, and carried our names upon His breastplate!
Charles Spurgeon