Nothing is improved by anger, unless it be the arch of a cat's back. A man with his back up is spoiling his figure. People look none the handsomer for being red in the face. It takes a great deal out of a man to get into a towering rage; it is almost as unhealthy as having a fit. . . . Whatever wrong I suffer, it can not do me half so much hurt as being angry about it.
Charles SpurgeonNearness to God brings likeness to God. The more you see God the more of God will be seen in you.
Charles SpurgeonI will do as much as I can, says one. Any fool can do that. He that believes in Christ does what he cannot do, attempts the impossible, and performs it.
Charles SpurgeonThere is a general kind of praying which fails for lack of precision. It is as if a regiment of soldiers should all fire off their guns anywhere. Possibly somebody would be killed, but the majority of the enemy would be missed.
Charles Spurgeon