Christian, take good care of thy faith; for recollect faith is the only way whereby thou canst obtain blessings. If we want blessings from God, nothing can fetch them down but faith. Prayer cannot draw down answers from God's throne except it be the earnest prayer of a man who believes. Faith is the angelic messenger between the soul and the Lord Jesus in glory.
Charles SpurgeonYou will win as many souls as God gives you, but no one will be converted by your own power.
Charles SpurgeonFAITH untried may be true faith, but it is sure to be little faith, and it is likely to remain dwarfish so long as it is without trials.
Charles SpurgeonBetween here and heaven, every minute that the Christian lives will be a minute of grace.
Charles SpurgeonThere is nothing little in God; His mercy is like Himself-it is infinite. You cannot measure it. His mercy is so great that it forgives great sins to great sinners, after great lengths of time, and then gives great favours and great privileges, and raises us up to great enjoyments in the great heaven of the great God.
Charles Spurgeon