A child of five, if properly instructed, can, as truly believe, and be regenerated, as an adult.
Charles SpurgeonTrust in the person's promise who dares to refuse what they fear they cannot perform.
Charles SpurgeonWe are certain that there is forgiveness, because there is a Gospel, and the very essence of the Gospel lies in the proclamation of the pardon of sin.
Charles SpurgeonGod notices every one of us; there is not a sparrow or a worm that continues to live apart from His decrees.
Charles SpurgeonWhen we reach the hilltops of heaven, and look back upon all the way whereby the Lord our God hath led us, how shall we praise Him who, before the eternal throne, undid the mischief which Satan was doing upon earth. How shall we thank Him because He never held His peace, but day and night pointed to the wounds upon His hands, and carried our names upon His breastplate!
Charles Spurgeon