Preach not calmly and quietly as though you were asleep, but preach with fire and pathos and passion.
Charles SpurgeonIt will be an ill day when our brethren take to bragging and boasting and call it 'testimony to the victorious Christian life.' We trust that holiness will be more than ever the aim of believers, but not the boastful holiness which has deluded some of the excellent of the earth into vain glory, and under which their firmest friends shudder for them.
Charles SpurgeonThe petitions of Moses discomfited the enemy more than the fighting of Joshua. Yet both were needed. No, in the soul's conflict, force and fervor, decision and devotion, valour and vehemence, must join their forces, and all will be well.
Charles SpurgeonChristians are not so much in danger when they are persecuted as when they are admired.
Charles Spurgeon