Quietude, which some men cannot abide because it reveals their inward poverty, is as a palace of cedar to the wise, for along its hallowed courts the King in his beauty deigns to walk.
Charles SpurgeonThis is faith, receiving the truth of Christ; first knowing it to be true, and then acting upon that belief.
Charles SpurgeonPrayer is the breath, the watchword, the comfort, the strength, the honor of a Christian.
Charles SpurgeonSaints of the early church reaped great harvests in the field of prayer and found the mercy seat to be a mine of untold treasures.
Charles SpurgeonIf you simply take the name of Christ upon you and call yourself His servant, yet do not obey Him, but follow your own whim, or your own hereditary prejudice, or the custom of some erroneous church-you are no servant of Christ. If you really are a servant of Christ, your first duty is to obey Him.
Charles SpurgeonDear brethren, this is exactly what we have to do, we have to pawn the present for the future. We must be satisfied to give up anything which Christ may require of us for the sake of that which is to come. Our inheritance is not on this side of Jordan. Our joy is yet to be revealed. I grant you that we have much thrown in, for the Lord is a good paymaster; but on the road to heaven he gives us only our spending money.
Charles Spurgeon