How can one bargain for anything that is worth while? And what else is worth bargaining for?
Charles WilliamsAn hour's conversation on literature between two ardent minds with a common devotion to a neglected poet is a miraculous road to intimacy.
Charles WilliamsEvery contrition for sin is apt to encourage a not quite charitable wish that other people should exhibit a similar contrition.
Charles WilliamsThe famous saying 'God is love', it is generally assumed, means that God is like our immediate emotional indulgence, not that the meaning of love ought to have something of the 'otherness' and terror of God
Charles WilliamsYou will all know that in the Middle Ages there were supposed to be various classes of angels. these hierarchized celsitudes are but the last traces in a less philosophical age of the ideas which Plato taught his disciples existed in the spiritual world.
Charles WilliamsThe beginning of Christendom, is, strictly, at a point out of time. A metphysical trigonometry finds it among the spiritual Secrets, at the meeting of two heavenward lines, one drawn from Bethany along the Ascent of the Messias, the other from Jerusalem against the Descent of the Paraclete. That measurement, the measurement of eternity in operation, of the bright cloud and the rushing wind, is, in effect, theology.
Charles Williams