The telephone bell was ringing wildly, but without result, since there was no-one in the room but the corpse.
Charles WilliamsItโs said that the shuffling of the cards is the earth, and the pattering of the cards is the rain, and the beating of the cards is the wind, and the pointing of the cards is the fire. Thatโs of the four suits. But the Greater Trumps, itโs said, are the meaning of all process and the measure of the everlasting dance.
Charles Williams"Nought usually comes at the beginning," Ralph said. "Not necessarily," said Sibyl. "It might come anywhere. Nought isn't a number at all. It's the opposite of number." Nancy looked up from the cards. "Got you, aunt," she said. "What about ten? Nought's a number there - it's part of ten." "Well, if you say that any mathematical arrangement of one and nought really makes ten - " Sibyl smiled. "Can it possibly be more than a way of representing ten?"
Charles WilliamsEvery contrition for sin is apt to encourage a not quite charitable wish that other people should exhibit a similar contrition.
Charles Williams