It's linkage I'm talking about, and harmonies and structures, And all the various things that lock our wrists to the past.
Charles WrightWe've all led raucous lives, some of them inside, some of them out. But only the poem you leave behind is what's important. Everyone knows this. The voyage into the interior is all that matters, Whatever your ride. Sometimes I can't sit still for all the asininities I read. Give me the hummingbird, who has to eat sixty times His own weight a day just to stay alive. Now that's a life on the edge.
Charles WrightHow many years have slipped through our hands?โจAt least as many as the constellations we still can identify.โจThe quarter moon, like a light skiff,โจ floats out of the mist-remnantsโจOf last nightโs hard rain.โจIt, too, will slip through our fingersโจ with no ripple, without us in it.
Charles Wright