I always look at my favourite photographs or favourite movies by James Bidgood or Sofia Coppola before I write my songs - they put me in the right frame of mind.
Charli XCXI think true romance is dry schizophrenic... but life would be so boring without true love, so I guess you just roll with it.
Charli XCXI always see colors when I listen to music. It's difficult to explain, but when I hear the music I think about gold, blood rushing.
Charli XCXI hadn't really thought about the kind of music I wanted to make. I was just making raps and stuff. I thought that was the coolest thing in the world.
Charli XCXI started writing my own things when I was about 8. I used to try to bully my friends into imitating the Spice Girls on the playground. Then I realized, Oh god, my career's going nowhere, so I looked in the Yellow Pages and phoned up the first cheap studio that I found and started recording.
Charli XCX