I just try to play music from my heart and bring as much beauty as I can to as many people as I can. Just give them other alternatives, especially people who arent exposed to creative music.
Charlie HadenBefore music there was silence and the duet format allows you to build from the silence in a very special way.
Charlie HadenThe whole underlying theme for the new music... is to communicate honest, human values, and in doing that to try to improve the quality of life.
Charlie HadenIn the midst of creating, a person is raised to another level of consciousness that doesn't have that much to do with everyday thinking. It's as if you could imagine life before there were words.
Charlie HadenThe artist is very lucky, because in an art form that's spontaneous like jazz, that's when you really see your true self. And that's why, when I put down my instrument, that's when the challenge starts, because to learn how to be that kind of human being at that level that you are when you're playing - that's the key, that's the hard part.
Charlie Haden