you may fume and fidget as you please: but this is the best plan to pursue with you, I am certain. I like you more than I can say; but Iโll not sink into a bathos of sentiment: and with this needle of repartee Iโll keep you from the edge of the gulf too; and, moreover, maintain by its pungent aid that distance between you and myself most conducive to our real mutual advantage.
Charlotte BronteIt is a long way off, sir" "From what Jane?" "From England and from Thornfield: and ___" "Well?" "From you, sir
Charlotte BronteThe practice of hinting by single letters those expletives with which profane and violent persons are wont to garnish their discourse, strikes me as a proceeding which, however, well meant, is weak and futile. I cannot tell what good it does - what feeling it spares - what horror it conceals.
Charlotte BronteI have a strange feeling with regard to you. As if I had a string somewhere under my left ribs, tightly knotted to a similar string in you. And if you were to leave I'm afraid that cord of communion would snap. And I have a notion that I'd take to bleeding inwardly. As for you, you'd forget me.
Charlotte Bronte