I never worried about becoming typecast. People have said that to me, but I never worried about it. As long as the part is three dimensional, I'm okay with it, whether the role is to play the heavy, the cop.
Chazz PalminteriMental violence is as bad as physical violence. You don't see that very often in movies, so it was a good subject to tackle.
Chazz PalminteriDoing voiceover, they bring you in, you're wearing jeans, you haven't shaved, you're wearing a baseball cap, and you go in, do it, make a lot of money and go home. It's fun. I enjoy doing it very much. So that's been really fun for me.
Chazz PalminteriI came here knowing nobody. I worked clubs as a singer and even the doors a few times before I landed some TV roles.
Chazz PalminteriWhen you feel good about the work you're doing, that's what's important, not the budget or anything like that. If you're happy about the actors you're working with, that's what's important.
Chazz PalminteriThe key is you have to keep doing the right thing. Do the right thing and stay around long enough, and you'll keep getting parts. And if you don't, you write your own parts, which I'm lucky to do. It's like anything else: you get hot, you get cold, then you get hot again. You just keep working.
Chazz Palminteri