Revolutions are not exportable: revolutions are created by oppressive conditions which Latin American countries exercise against their peoples.
Che GuevaraIn industry, we are now concentrating our best effort in trying to make plants work at a maximum capacity, trying to replace the equipment which is in bad conditions due to lack of spare parts from the U.S.., that we cannot get from the U.S.; to extend our industry later on the basis of our primary resources. And to lessen our dependence on external markets and dedicate our efforts in 1965 to the aspect of security and hygiene of work, to make our plants better for the worker: that the worker may feel really a man there.
Che GuevaraOur youth must always be free, discussing and exchanging ideas concerned with what is happening throughout the entire world.
Che GuevaraThe ultimate and most important revolutionary aspiration: to see human beings liberated from their alienation
Che Guevara